This is a Fun Dominican based App Game where you must conquer dangerous worlds representing different cities to get to the end of the game. To get to the end of the game, you will notice that you are only able to play one world. The rest of the worlds are locked until you finish the current world. This means that as you finish one world the next world will unlock.
The worlds or cities where all picked from popular cities within the Dominican Republic. We had to get created to try to implement famous landmarks such as El Malecon SD located on the saunter coast of Santo Domingo. We tried to recreate the sign, monument and even the benches. You will love this world with in this app game.

In this app we also added characters that you can buy using in game coins. These in game coins are collected as you play and navigate within the game level or world. The app game has five characters for you to select.
Another fun world to create in this app game was Santiago City. Santiago is the second busiest cart in the Dominican Republic. When I start this world you will find yourself in the middle of loud traffic right in front of the famous el Monumento a los Héroes de la Restauración.

EL PALITO is a stick figure character, is one of the two free character to start.
EL MARIO is the original hero of this game, young and crazy but fun player in this game, most player prefer to use this game character to the end. This game character is free.
LA MATATANA is a female character with a brave determined mind to destroy every enemy in sight. To use this character you must have 1000 coins.
EL BOSS is an Old Gangster type of game character unique in his own ways, to use him you must have 5000 coins.
EL MAYIMBE this is the coolest character of the game, to use him you must have 10000 coins. Try to collect the most coins to be the top player in leaderboard.
Platano Game is an update to the classic Platano Con Salami Game that got over 1 million downloads in a short time thanks to you guys. This app game now comes with 4 endless challenging worlds to play.
Within each game you have the option to pick a color theme that best fits your stile simply for the players enjoyment. all themes are the same level of difficulty.
World 1: You as the game player is boxed in and can only swipe up, down, left and right. Move within the 9 boxes while collecting coins but trying to avoid the dangerous salami rockets that shoot from all directions. This app game gets intense quickly, it’s a favorite.

World 2: La Policia Nacional al Ataque. This game world was inspired by la policia nacional de Republica Dominicana. Here we took a PLN police pickup truck and added a salami rocket launcher in the back of the truck. You as a player have to keep flying while collecting coins but keeping mind that the PLN will randomly shoot salami rockets at you.
What makes this world in this platano app game is that every to you tap the screen the game character changes direction. If you as the game player panic and get confuse while in the gameplay then you will lose fast. This is a great world, how many coins can you collect?

World 3: This world goes back to the classic Platano Con Salami Game. You must continue to navigate salami as the character navigates forward, keep in mind that the speed will increase as you continue to play and stay alive in this fun platano game.
World 4: This world will drive you crazy fast but keep you trying to play over and over again. You have random salami on the left coming down and on the right they randomly go up. The object is that you must try to collect coins and tap the game screen to change direction and stay up in the air. it’s seems easy but its really challenging.

Want to learn more
Thanks to available engines, you are now able to make these types of hyper casual games. The way it works is that these engines will write the app game code in the backend for you. All you have to do is tell it what you want it to do.
There is more involved but nothing that will have your head spinning. Someone with no experience can have a hyper casual game ready to publish in less than a week.
Some of these engines are free to start making game apps and then they require a paid subscription that will allow you to upload your game app to the play store.
If you want to learn more about how this works, look for my blog post in this game site for a detailed article on how to start making game apps.
Our Other Games
In the last six years I have done over 50 game and utility apps. out of the 50 about 20 of them have been published to the app stores.
You will learn that once you start making apps and coming up with ideas you end up trashing this apps and starting over again. some of my apps still in the apps stores are:
Just Tag it a simple challenging game with over 100 challenging levels.
INSANE HIGHWAY a racing game that has you rushing down a highway at high speeds.
El Mayimbe Game a version os Super mario but different, you must complete 10 challenging cities to get to the end.
SOUND VIBES a sound app that plays endless nature or yoga sounds that will put you in a relaxing stage.
Got Questions?
For those of you who are interested in learning more or simply want to get started on how to make game apps feel free to contact me on instagram or check out my youtube channel for more information. Mayimbe Network (MAYNET)